Though I have been doing yoga for almost 10 years, each day is different in that some days it is easier to be in the moment, feel more flexible and be in the flow whereas not so on other days.
When your muscles are sore and you are trying to bend forward and touch your toes you feel the pain, the frustration and more often than not your mind is agitated. When you are not that nimble, you feel the pain, the discomfort and the difficulty to breathe and to ease into that moment. This is most felt whilst trying to do any yoga pose which your body is not able to do because of being inflexible.
Flexibility is the ability to move muscles and joints through their complete range. We are born with this ability but something most of us lose over time because of our life styles. We lose the agility on our muscles. The activities we engage in or not leads to muscle atrophy. Stretching is thus necessary to help muscles rebuild.
Flexibility, however, is an attitude that we need to take in that challenging moment, that transforms our mind as well as our body. The more we get entangled in our moment of pain and frustration in not being able to stretch with ease, the more difficult it gets to become unstuck.
One of my favorite yoga instructors reminds the class each day that in doing the asana we should seek to do our best but not let the eagle in us take over. Today is not the same as yesterday. Let us take each moment as it comes.
Whenever I hear this I am reminded of this quote by Pema Chodron. “The Buddha taught that flexibility and openness bring strength and that running from groundlessness weakens us and brings pain. But do we understand that becoming familiar with the running away is the key? Openness doesn’t come from resisting our fears but from getting to know them well…”
Inflexibility is felt during a stretch or whilst doing yoga, but what about life and at work ?
Have you ever considered the impact of not adapting to change ? Click To Tweet
What about not listening to another person’s ideas because of your ego?
Flexibility starts from our attitude be it in yoga or at work. What are the common causes of lack of adaptability at work?
1. Fear
Command and control form of leadership fails to motivate employees and keep them engaged. Fear of breaking the barriers is a common cause of adhering to the top down control based hierarchical structures. How long can you keep your team from breaking apart?
2. Trust
Defensive thinking and lack of trusting one’s own judgment on instincts creates bias in favor of status quo. What is the direct impact of this on employee and tram engagement ?
3. Habit
Habits are first cobwebs then cables which deter you from adapting or initiating change. Mindset and attitude are the biggest enemies which dictate our behaviors. Does this cause stress in your work and life ?
4. Inflexible policies and practices
When policies and practices are used as a garb to defend long-winded procedures, it is often a case of inflexibility. Are you taking excuse under policies?
5. Lack of Diversity
Diversity starts from thoughts and flows into behaviors, words and actions. Any organization whose systems value conformance and cohesion at the expense of diversity and divergence limits the ability to welcome new and diverse ideas. How are you adopting diversity in various parts of your organization?
You and your teams ability to react to, manage, control, and introduce change controls the rise or fall of organizations that you are part of. Change starts with You and your attitude determines the process of navigating the change.
Key Questions to Ask
1. How willing are you to promote a culture of flexible working hours ?
2. How enthusiastic are you in your communication whilst listening to new ideas and changes ? Click To Tweet
3. What are the different ways you can overcome the various hurdles that you fire fight every time ?
4. How adaptable are you to trying out different methods to achieve the same goal ?
5. Do you have a flexible work environment to promote a higher diversity and engagement among your employees?
BlackBerry failed to anticipate that consumers — not business customers — would drive the smart phone revolution. This lack of adaptability is possibly one of the top reasons for their downfall.
And research has indicated the preference for flexibility versus face time.
If you can gain insight into your and your teams’ behaviors that make up adaptability and being flexible in your approach it will help you face change and transition.
Are you being adaptable in your approach to detect and respond to changes? Click To Tweet
Loved the post, Lalita and agree that being nimble and flexible is essential to competing and growing today.
I enjoyed your yoga comparisons as they do describe the need for people and organizations to stretch themselves, even a little at a time.
Thank you Terri. I appreciate your comment.