Do you engage in physical activity ?
Do you go running or go to the gym or yoga on a daily basis ?
Do you plan your day and make time for the things you want to do ?
What if I told you not to take a shower on a daily basis ?
These were the questions that the lady, who was doing an orientation on Mindfulness, fired off to her audience and I was one of them.
She remarked that “If you can make time to clean up physically and look good, you also need to make time to do a mental clean up on a daily basis!”
Get into a routine and that is a matter of consciously setting time for it and for that you intentionally need to believe it as a priority. Routines, often perceived as boring and dull is a necessary part of our lives. You don’t need to think of routine as boring especially if it is something that helps you be who you are. You need to leave enough scope to be flexible and adaptable to unplanned things.
Following a routine is a matter of discipline. I’m a juvenile diabetic and have followed one routine, among other routines, diligently to date in my life. I inject insulin injections three times daily and am disciplined about my diet and health, from the age of eight.
There are many routines that each of us follow. However, no matter who you are, there are some routines which need to be adopted and maintained along the journey of life.
As a leader and as a person who wants to continuously grow and step out of your comfort zone, you need to think about adopting the following routines
1. Listen
No genuine connection happens without listening. There is not a moment in your life where you can stop listening. Listen because it engages you as a leader and as an empathetic human. Listen to understand and not necessarily listen to respond every time.
2. Reflect
To reflect is to give credit to yourself on what you did well, what you could do better or differently and what you could stop doing. Reflection can be in silence or by journaling. Reflection can be on your day, the way you were, your behaviors and what you did.
3. Hope
A realistic optimist is inspiring and it is a great trait to cultivate and have.
4. Reading
Read, learn, unlearn and discover.
5. Influence
The skill to influence, convince and persuade people to a common cause or vision, is one that never stops being useful. It is one characteristic that each of us can continue to develop, no matter how good you are at it already.
6. Resourceful
This is one routine that is not paid particular attention to. In this dynamic world that we live in, resourcefulness helps you to step out of your comfort zone and find solutions to the challenges.
7. Exercise
Exercise helps you to be energetic, release stress and get the creative juices flowing and be mentally alert. Don’t we all want that on a daily basis?
8. Mindfulness
The importance of mindfulness cannot be underestimated. There is overwhelming research and scientific data proving the benefits of mindfulness. A routine that I am cultivating as part of my life from now, slowly but surely.
9. Empathy
Empathy allows you to be kind, to be committed to your word, to not take others’ feelings for granted, to be engaged and committed to your work and overall understand your team and those around you better.
10. Emotional Intelligence
We are emotional beings and to cultivate a routine to be aware of your emotions, understand what they are telling you and realize how your emotions affect people around you is a lifelong commitment. EI encompasses many other routines mentioned above and helps you to be empathetic, listen and connect with people.
Sticking to some routines is beneficial and not boring. The 10 routines listed are not exhaustive. Would you like to add some? Please do so in the comments section.
⇒Which of these routines are you going to make it part of your day and yet make it interesting?
⇒What routines do you need to let go off to make space for the top 10 above ?
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Great points! When I make the time to be mindful – all of a sudden, the day actually feels longer – in a good way!
Indeed it does. Thank you Elizabeth