I am a Girl..Will you Let me Live?
Female Foeticide or Gendercide is a topic that has been discussed often but real changes can happen only when attitudes change especially in countries like India and China where Gendercide is rampant. Attitudes can only change when awareness is created and an infrastructure is created that facilitates & encourages gender equality. Even in this day and age this crime happens and my heart bleeds every time I read it.
Interesting articles on this topic worth a read
a. Saving India’s Women from Mint– which talks about the Analyses of social factors, which determine the impact of central programmes, can shape policies to save women’s lives.
b. The worldwide war on baby girls from The Economist _mainly focuses on Gender Imbalance in China & India and the atrocities committed on a girl.
c. Gendercide – from The Economist which talks about 100mn odd girls who have disappeared since they are killed, aborted & neglected.
Beginning of December, a program aired on ABC 20/20 about India’s deadly secret. It was about 40 million girls who have vanished. All aborted before they could take their first breath. Their crime was that they were girls. As you know the gender ratios is India are terribly skewed about 914 girls per 1,000 boys. In Punjab it is about 833 girls per1,000 boys. Unfortunately this happens amongst the privileged and the educated also. The only woman who has brought cases against her in-laws and husband is Dr Mitu Khurana. Please watch her story and sign her petition for justice. Please give those 40 million girls silenced forever, a voice. Please forward this to as many friends as possible.
After you sign the petition, there will be a request from the site for a donation. This donation is totally discretionary and does not in any way or form affect or benefit Dr Mitu Khurana. All she is asking for is your support (signing this petition) so that pressure can be put on the Indian authorities that the whole world is watching them in total disbelief as they make a young mother run around in vain for four years in search of justice.
sure thank you.