Another year has almost gone by. I normally feel sad when a year goes by. While that feeling has not changed completely, I decided to put some of my reflections in writing.
What has the year been like? A mix, and most of all I’m grateful:
1. I was able to overcome some challenges. The journey is still on but my confidence level has gone up.
2. Despite taking on a new journey in terms of my career, I was able to travel and see some new places and revisit some old places.
3. I didn’t get overwhelmed on many things that I chose to do out of my comfort zone. I didn’t allow my inner gremlin to take the better of me.
4.My parents health had many moments of scare but I’m thankful for their never-ending optimism.
5.For my health, my family and overall the resilience, growth, and learning I had.
What do I expect in the year 2014? No, these are not resolutions?
1. To continue to grow, learn and share
2. To continue on my journey to follow my purpose in life with which I associate myself at this point in time.
3.To continue to touch people’ life positively and lead from within.
4. To explore new challenges and complete those which are work in progress.
5. To live in the moment and have continued resilience to deal with life’s surprises.
What are you thankful for in the current year?
What are you proud of?
What memories would you like to carry forward?
What would you want the year 2014 to be?
What can you offer to the coming year?
Thank you for being on this journey with me.
I wish you all the best for the year ahead. May your journey be filled with joy, continued strength and success.
I’m so appreciative that I’ve had glimpses into your journey – it fortifies me as I am on my own too. I love what you wrote here. You know what really struck me and resonated with me? 2. To continue on my journey to follow my purpose in life with which I associate myself at this point in time. I’m with you! It’s feels like permission and a walking a very un-stuck path of purpose. Thank you for that gift.
Appreciate you!
Thank you Alli. I am glad I met you my friend through Twitter and hopefully one day I’ll meet you in real life. Thank you for reaching out, acknowledging, sharing, reading and commenting.
Thank you for continuing to be on this journey with me.