Karen was smiling and looked more confident and happier as I caught a glimpse of her in the lift. I had not seen Karen in the past six months.The last time I had met Karen, she was frustrated, and was on the verge of quitting her job.
As we got out of the crowded lift, Karen came running to me delighted and eager to share the developments in her life. Seeing how exuberant she was, we decided to go to a nearby Starbucks and order coffee, so that I could listen to her in peace.
She had got a promotion and the role she was doing with her company was to her liking. Further, she was expected to head up sales and marketing for her company in Asia, by September this year. I was pleased to know that the belief in her by her new boss and the senior management had brought a new life to the ever so enthusiastic and self-starter Karen I had always known.
You inspire and influence others by believing in their positive potential and by giving them positive feedback. Click To Tweet
No, I don’t mean flattery or baseless praise. We are programmed and wired to be negative and self-critical. How about taking a step back and seeing someone for what they are capable of?
Do you discern the innate abilities and positive potential of those around you? Click To Tweet
Are you one of those who tends to discourage others by asking “Are you sure you are capable of doing that?”
How do you give feedback to others?
Karen felt empowered and motivated by the sheer belief that her boss had placed on her.
Empowerment is
→not being judgmental
→not being critical
→about challenging others yet giving them a fine reputation to live up to
→believing in that person in a way that facilitates their growth and development
What can you do today to ensure someone knows, you believe in him or her so that they can continue to have faith in their own ability ?
- Encouragement – when you encourage others you inspire them with courage and confidence. You make them believe in themselves or make them see endless possibilities, which they may otherwise not have seen.
- Empathy – an uncanny ability to see the innate talent and possibility in another. When you discern the potential of your team members and give them a fine reputation to live up to, you empower them.
- Faith – by believing in another person you have shown an immense faith in what they can do and the beauty about this trust is that, they will rarely let you down. They take it as a challenge and live up to or exceed the faith placed in them.
- Reaffirmations – silent gratitude or appreciation has no value. You need to give on going reaffirmation of that person’s potential and talents. Feedback is a continuous process and one that can be contextualized to the situation in hand.
- Care – sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own world that we forget to acknowledge the brilliance in others. We forget to recognize that our words of encouragement will go a long way in inspiring another person to surpass many a mountain.
“Treat a man as he is, he will remain so. Treat a man the way he can be and ought to be, and he will become as he can be and should be.” ~ Goethe
What is it like when you remember those who encouraged, empowered, inspired and made you feel valued ?
By believing in others you inspire positivity and set the tone for a shift in their thinking or a life-changing moment. Click To Tweet
Every time you believe in a person you open up a possibility for that person and arouse their Positive Emotional Attractor.
As a Coach, I honor the client as the expert in their life and work and believe clients are creative, resourceful and whole. By helping individuals identify or endorse their strengths, they dramatically improve their outlook on work and life, while improving their leadership skills and unlocking their potential.
Whom are you going to believe in today ?
For Coaching, Speaking or Training please connect with Lalita Raman.
This is not to be confused with blind optimism which unfortunately places trust in places it shouldn’t be. Seeing people for who they really are but framing that view to focus on the positive is very sound advice indeed.
Thanks for the post!
Absolutely. Well said Lynn. It is not blind faith but seeking to know someone and believing in the positive potential that they have. Thank you for reading and commenting. I appreciate
Thank you so much Chris.